> Part of the problem is that we're using global search to play a game
> with lots of local little fights. If we have say five little fights, and
> each takes say 11 ply to play well, it means a >50 ply global search
> just to avoid local blunders.
> Currently, we try to sidestep this fundamental problem by replacing
> local search with local knowledge, such as patterns. But that does not
> fully use the power of search.

Hi Martin,
I think Magnus is saying/doing the same thing, though it is stating the
obvious to say it is hard to do right. Searching fights in isolation
misses the interaction between the fights, which is one of the strengths
of MCTS.

I'd like to throw out an idea from one of my old programs, in case it
can be adapted somehow.

I attempted to learn patterns from pro games, and use that to search
very deep (a bit like a MCTS playout, but I - foolishly - tried to do
just one best playout). One of the main concepts was treating local
sequences as a single move. A simple example is the 4-move hane-tsugi
sequence [1] in the endgame. But it also applied to middle game invasion
joseki, and opening joseki.

So, I'd do all the tactical search, find the patterns (which were
enriched with tactical chain status), then if a hane-tsugi pattern
matched and was the most urgent pattern, play those 4 moves as if a
single move. Then recalculate tactical search and repeat. This is
obviously 4 times quicker, so allowed me to get deeper in the tree. (The
patterns were fairly large, especially when combined with tactical
information, so handle the more advanced [2] variations.)

I also used these sequences to decide a just-right pattern size. So, we
start with, say, a 3-manhatten distance around the first move. Then if
the next move was within that distance treat it as a sequence, and merge
in a 3-distance around that new stone as part of the pattern. When the
pro game finally had a move outside the pattern area then the pattern is
finished and stored. When using it, the combined pattern area must all

No-sequence patterns were also added, and different patterns sizes can
co-exist in the pattern database, so the tenuki moves also get
considered (but usually with a lower pattern score).


[1]: http://senseis.xmp.net/?HaneTsugi
[2]: http://senseis.xmp.net/?HaneTsugi%2FAdvanced

Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer
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