Would this be a simple way of using many cores effectively?

Otherwise I cannot see how recursive UCT would be anything else than an ineffective implementation of UCT. Unless it provides some information that could be used more effectively than with normal search.

In order to do so the playouts need to communicate what moves are good perhaps something like the historyheuristic used in chess.


Quoting Gian-Carlo Pascutto <g...@sjeng.org>:

On Wednesday 10 June 2009 18:48:55 Martin Mueller wrote:

Currently, we try to sidestep this fundamental problem by replacing
local search with local knowledge, such as patterns. But that does not
fully use the power of search.

So, has anyone tried recursive UCT (using UCT again in the playouts), and
what were the results? I saw some results for uninteresting games, but
nothing about Go.

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Magnus Persson
Berlin, Germany
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