On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 9:43 PM, Jason House <jason.james.ho...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Given all the negative reaction to nested time control, I have to say I
> like it. The pool won't be diluted as long as there's an obvious main venue.

A good compromise might be to have only 2 venues,  one such as David
suggested and another one that is quite a bit faster.

Another possibility is to make BOTH venues mandatory - but my fear is that
some programs may not be able to play fast enough and would always time
out.    Or they  may not implement a proper time control algorithm and thus
would not be able to adapt to 2 different time controls without being
reinitialized with different parameters.

> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 15, 2009, at 7:20 PM, Don Dailey <dailey....@gmail.com> wrote:
>  I've been working on the new server and I'm almost at the point where
>> I can think about time controls - and since this is primarily for
>> developers, I would like to get your thoughts.
>> First, a brief explanation of how the time control works.   When the
>> client starts up it will inform the server of which venues it is
>> willing to play in.   It must choose an available boardsize and then
>> any of N different time controls.  Initially, N will probably be
>> 2 or 3.   For each board size,  a time control is called a "venue."
>> Let's assume there are 3 venues for boardsize 9x9.  The time control
>> for each venue will be significantly different from the others.
>> One will be very fast, one will be very slow and there will be one in
>> between.
>> Each time control will be in sync with the others and the process will
>> be recursive.  So the basic scheduling algorithm is to NOT start a new
>> round for a given venue until any players who have registered to play
>> in this venue and are currently playing in FASTER venues are available
>> for scheduling.
>> In addition to this, new rounds are not scheduled for any particular
>> venue as long as the next slower venue is stalled waiting for these faster
>> venues to complete.
>> I hope this idea allows more choice and keeps players busy a greater
>> percentage of the time by allowing them to fill dead space with fast
>> games.
>> Each bot can choose which venues to play in.  If you only want to play
>> fast games, then you can.
>> Now the questions I pose to you are these:
>> How many venues for each boardsize?   (two, three, more?)
>> What time controls should they be?
>> It's almost certainly the case that certain combinations of time
>> control venues will work together better than others.  There will
>> always be the issue of waiting for games to complete and in fact this
>> may make the problem a bit worse for those programs that only want to
>> play in the longest venue.  I suggest that each venue is spaced at
>> least a factor of 2 apart in time.  For instance 1 minute, 2 minutes,
>> 4 minutes, etc.
>> My own suggestion for 9x9 is to have 3 venues of 1 minute, 5 minutes
>> and 15 minutes per game per player.
>> It's also not too late to change our minds and not have venues if we
>> think the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.
>> - Don
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