dhillism...@netscape.net wrote:
I'm not sure whether they meant different things when they were first coined, 
but maybe that doesn't matter, and there are two different approaches that 
should be distinguished somehow.

When a node has been visited the required number of times:

1) Use patterns, heuristics, ownership maps from the earlier playouts through 
it, etc. to calculate a score for each move. Then rank them from prettier to 
uglier. At this node, only allow moves within the top N prettiest moves, where 
N grows slowly with the number of subsequent playouts through the node.

This is called progressive unpruning or widening. Guillaume and I published the idea independently, and gave it two different names.

2) Calculate the score, as in 1). Initialize the win/loss record for each move *as if* 
many more "prior" playouts had already gone through this node. Prettier moves 
are initialized as if they had a higher proportion of prior?wins. Typically, it is the 
win/loss record for RAVE moves that gets this prior adjustment.

This was first proposed by Guillaume, and called progressive bias.

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