
On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 05:02:33PM +0200, Folkert van Heusden wrote:
> I'm trying to implement a monthecarlo algorithm in my go program. Now
> the results are dramatic: the elo-rating of my go program drops from
> 1150 to below 700. I tried:
>  - evaluate the number of captured stone
>  - evaluate strategic elements (without MC this strategic eval gives
>    that 1150 elo).
> Currently my program can evaluate 500 scenes per second and I let it
> "think" for 5 seconds.
> What could be the cause of this dramatic results? Wrong evaluation? Not
> enough nodes processed?

  It's not clear what do you mean by the "evaluation", and how do you
integrate montecarlo to the rest of your program, so it's hard to
comment. But it takes some time to weed out some pretty basic bugs which
make your program play horribly but yet not make it lose every single
game - watch your program's evaluation and the montecarlo playouts
closely for anything fishy.

                                Petr "Pasky" Baudis
A lot of people have my books on their bookshelves.
That's the problem, they need to read them. -- Don Knuth
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