> > What method are you guys using for the monte carlo search? What do you
> > do?
> > I pick at random a move, then for the resulting board that comes out of
> > that pick another move and so on.
> > Then, after that I evaulate the number of stones etc.
> Do you mean you count the score? Make sure you actually count the stone
> right, and (quite important) that you are picking out moves really at
> random, not skewed in any way.

Yes, the score indeed. Well, only the number of stones removed from the
board. I did not implement an algorithm to count areas belonging to a
color yet.

> > What do you guys look at to select a move using monte carlo?
> People use heuristics to prefer captures, escaping atari, play local
> moves that match certain 3x3 patterns etc. - there is plenty of papers
> covering this, I recommend you look at them. It's fairly important to
> have all the heuristics somewhat randomized (depending on other parts of
> my engine, I've found any value between 60% to 90% probability of
> applying each heuristic optimal).

Yeah, I rated most of them equally. Some are weighted in depending on

May I ask: how many board-settings (one move + all evaluation) do your
programs calculate per second?

Folkert van Heusden

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