
I was one of the people who posted in the debate - I implemented light playouts on CUDA for testing purposes, with one thread per playout (rather than one per intersection).

I think one of the main things that I am curious about, and I don't think I am the only one, is whether texture memory or other such facilities could be used for fast pattern matching. How heavy playouts would perform on CUDA is a big unanswered question. Depending on the answers you get, it may be possible to run heavy playouts on the CPU, but delegate a pattern matching queue to CUDA. No idea - a good field for research :)


Steve Kroon wrote:

I hope to have a student for the next month or two who can look into some
computer Go before starting his Masters degree. He is interested in using CUDA
for his Masters, so I thought it would be nice for him to investigate
applicability of CUDA for computer Go.

I know there was quite a debate about this not so long ago, and I don't mean to re-open it. I was just wondering if anyone has a specific investigation of limited scope they would like done, or think might be valuable with respect to CUDA.

I hope to continue further working with Fuego, so if you have suggestions
specific to Fuego, that would be particularly useful.


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