On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 1:46 AM, Stefan Kaitschick
<stefan.kaitsch...@hamburg.de> wrote:
>> 2010/1/19 terry mcintyre <terrymcint...@yahoo.com>:
>> ( I recall a pro making
>>> such an observation; I was willing to accept his expertise on the matter.
>>> )
>> Any pro making such a comment at move 10 is just grand-standing. I
>> have experienced pros making such comments too. You can let such a
>> remark pass out of politeness of course, but accepting it because of
>> his presumed expertise is extremely naive IMO. I would even be
>> suspicious of pros making such comments at move 150.
>> Mark
> If a pro predicts a half-point win early in the game, that is obviously bs.
> But maybe we are just taking his words too literally.
> I think it's actually a bigger problem at move 150.
> Because at that point he is making a (very shaky) claim to truth.
> I just hate the Go-World commentaries where the narrative has one side
> making 3 catastrophic mistakes
> and the other side coasting to an unshakable 1.5 point win.

I always interpreted such statements differently.

I'm aware that in some contexts betting on the outcomes of go and
other games is very common. I had assumed that such statements were an
indication that the speaker would be making a bet along those lines,
it the option were available.

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