On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 10:08:07PM +0900, Darren Cook wrote:
> Thanks for all the replies! It is much appreciated.
> Hiroshi Yamashita wrote:
> > I think we can guess something from CGOS rating.
> > I made a table about CGOS and KGS bot rating.
> > At least in 19x19, CGOS and KGS rank is similar.
> That is a very interesting table. It is curious that Zen is only 2 ranks
> higher on 9x9. However Aya is 4 ranks higher and Fuego [1] is about 2kyu
> on KGS, so (if KGS and CGOS 19x19 correspond for it too, then) also 4
> ranks higher.

I guess that this is because the higher your rating is, the more
difficult it is to get even stronger. ;-)

> The difference between ManyFaces blitz and slow is also a lovely gem of
> information.
> > 2300  1k                 pachi-c919f    1k ManyFaces  (30minutes)
> > 2400  1d                 mfgo12-610-2c  1d ManyFaces1 (10sec blitz)

My guess is that this is caused by huge amount of domain-knowledge from
"classical ManyFaces" used to prune the tree initially - that gives big
constant boost against MCTS bots with equal thinking time, but with
additional time this does not contribute anything anymore and MFGo
scales similarly to other MCTS bots. At least that's my interpretation,
I wonder what David Fotland thinks about it. (Another factor is that
10sec blitz is much more prone for the human opponents to lose on time.)

> A quick check shows both accounts are playing a lot of
> games, so this should be statistically significant; the ranking charts
> are hard to read, but it looks like 1 to 1.5 ranks difference. (Is there
> a way on KGS to get the underlying rating number?)

In your graphical editor from the rank graph, perhaps. ;-)

                                Petr "Pasky" Baudis
A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely
rearranging their prejudices. -- William James
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