Darren Cook: <4b7552b7.9060...@dcook.org>:
>Thanks for all the replies! It is much appreciated.
>Hiroshi Yamashita wrote:
>> I think we can guess something from CGOS rating.
>> I made a table about CGOS and KGS bot rating.
>> At least in 19x19, CGOS and KGS rank is similar.
>That is a very interesting table. It is curious that Zen is only 2 ranks
>higher on 9x9. However Aya is 4 ranks higher and Fuego [1] is about 2kyu
>on KGS, so (if KGS and CGOS 19x19 correspond for it too, then) also 4
>ranks higher.

Please don't compare the ratings of different versions of programs on 
different hardware.  The rating of Zen (at least version 4.2) on 
CGOS 9x9 is about 3 ranks higher than KGS, although (:-) only 1 rank 
higher than CGOS 19x19.

Followings are the rating and rank of Zengg-4x4c (CGOS) and Zengg19 
(KGS) respectively, though the games for Zengg19 aren't many 
enough.  Zengg-4x4c and Zengg19 share the same code based on 
Zen-4.2 and hardware (a cluster of 4 quad-core PCs).

CGOS 9x9 bayeselo       2919+75-64
CGOS 19x19 bayeselo     2830+80-71
KGS 19x19               3d

I don't know why Hirosi didn't use "bayeselo" for the ratings on 
CGOS, which should give more reliable rating numbers.  Below is 
another table using bayeselo.

                        CGOS 9x9        CGOS 19x19      KGS 19x19
GNU Go v3.7.10 lvl10    1805+7-6        1800 (ref)      6k
Aya693_1c               2493+-74        2175+-44        3k AyaMC2 (10k po)      
Fuego svn1095 1c        2629+-22
Fuego svn1095 2c                        2150+31-30
Fuego svn1089 8c        2759+86-71      2353+-141       2k Fuego?
Zen v4.9 1c             2795+74-68      2716+210-146
Zen v4.9 8c                                             2d Zen19? (15sec/move)
Zengg (v4.2) 4x4c       2919+75-64      2830+80-71      3d Zengg19 

Note that Zen19 (KGS) runs on an 8-core MacPro while Zen-4.9-1c ran 
on just one core.  I also wonder if Zen19 and Fuego on KGS are v4.9 
and svn1089, respectively.

Watching the ratings of GNU Go and Zengg on CGOS 19x19 and KGS in 
above table, they don't scale the same, say, 6k to 3d should be plus 
800 Elo but is 1000 Elo on CGOS.


>The difference between ManyFaces blitz and slow is also a lovely gem of
>information. A quick check shows both accounts are playing a lot of
>games, so this should be statistically significant; the ranking charts
>are hard to read, but it looks like 1 to 1.5 ranks difference. (Is there
>a way on KGS to get the underlying rating number?)
>> CGOS  KGS? CGOS 9x9      CGOS 19x19     KGS rank 19x19
>> 1800  6k   gnugo3.7.10   gnugo3.7.10    6k GnuGo      (postneo, etc)
>> 1900  5k
>> 2000  4k
>> 2100  3k                 Aya693c_1c     3k AyaMC2     (10k playouts)
>> 2200  2k   Aya693a_10k                  2k pachi2
>> 2300  1k                 pachi-c919f    1k ManyFaces  (30minutes)
>> 2400  1d                 mfgo12-610-2c  1d ManyFaces1 (10sec blitz)
>> 2500  2d   Aya693_1c     Zen-4.9-1c     2d Zen19 Zen  (15sec/move)
>> 2600  3d   Fuego-1095-1c
>> 2700  4d   Zen-4.9-1c
>> 2800  5d   Zengg9-4x4c
>> 2900  6d
>> Hiroshi Yamashita
>[1]: http://www.gokgs.com/graphPage.jsp?user=Fuego
>Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer
>Specializing in intelligent search (in multiple languages), discovery
>of context, aiding communication, and basically helping people find
>and make good use of their data.
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