I'm very much looking forward to your sharing your progress with us.
Perhaps you could give some more concrete examples of what you have done
already; i.e. where you have moved from the messy human
linguistic/cognitive "principles" to something much more formal?

On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 2:23 AM, Robert Jasiek <jas...@snafu.de> wrote:

> On 10.09.2015 08:24, David Fotland wrote:
>> I would say rather, that expert systems are dead in Go because many smart
>> and talented people, including professional experts, worked diligently for
>> two decades on this approach and none were able to get stronger than about
>> 5 kyu.  This is a strong experimental result, not an opinion.
> This says nothing about the potential of expert systems when done right.
> General talent, professional expert system designers or professional
> players are insufficient. What is needed is a very good understanding of go
> theory on all topics of go theory as expert system knowledge.
> --
> robert jasiek
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