On Tue, Mar 01, 2016 at 02:51:03PM -0800, David Fotland wrote:
> > Also, if you are training on a GPU you can probably avoid a lot of
> > hassle if you expect to run it on a GPU as well. I don't know how other
> > NN implementations handle it, but the GPU-to-CPU conversion script that
> > comes with the Theano-based pylearn2 kit doesn't work very reliably.
> I'll keep it in mind.  I'm using caffe, which has a compile-time flag, so I'm 
> not sure it will work with GPU enabled on a machine without a GPU.

I'm not sure about Michael's specific problem, but in my experience,
there is no trouble at all transferring stuff between CPU and GPU - your
model is, after all, just the weight matrices.  In Caffe, you should
be able to switch between GPU and CPU completely freely.

                                Petr Baudis
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