Congratulations, Aja and David!  Very remarkable win!


It's too early to conclude any, I think, because no records 
of losing games have been published, ie., no weakpoints of 
AlphaGo are open.  I believe that the essential problems which 
come from current MCTS (bottom-up) framework, such as solving 
complex semeai's and double-ko's, aren't solved yet.


Petr Baudis: <>: 
>  Hi!


>On Wed, Mar 09, 2016 at 04:43:23PM +0900, Hiroshi Yamashita wrote:

>> AlphaGo won 1st game against Lee Sedol!


>  Well, I have to eat my past words - of course, there are still four

>games to go, but the first round does not look like a lucky win at all!


>  Huge congratulations to the AlphaGo team, you have done truly amazing

>work, with potential to spearhead a lot of further advances in AI in

>general!  It does seem to me that you must have made a lot of progress

>since the Nature paper though - is that impression correct?


>  Do you have some more surprising breakthroughs and techniques in store

>for us, or was the progress mainly incremental, furthering the training




>  By the way, there is a short snippet in the paper that maybe many

>people overlooked (including me on the very first read!):


>>   We introduce a new technique that caches all moves from the search

>> tree and then plays similar moves during rollouts; a generalisation of

>> the last good reply heuristic. At every step of the tree traversal, the

>> most probable action is inserted into a hash table, along with the

>> 3 × 3 pattern context (colour, liberty and stone counts) around both the

>> previous move and the current move. At each step of the rollout, the

>> pattern context is matched against the hash table; if a match is found

>> then the stored move is played with high probability.


>  This looks like it might overcome a lot of weaknesses re semeai etc.,

>enabling the coveted (by me) information flow from tree to playouts, if

>you made this to work well (it's similar to my "liberty maps" attempts,

>which always failed though - I tried to encode a larger context, which

>maybe wasn't good idea).


>  Would you say this improvement is important to AlphaGo's playing

>strength (or its scaling), or merely a minor tweak?



>  Thanks,



>                               Petr Baudis

>       If you have good ideas, good data and fast computers,

>       you can do almost anything. -- Geoffrey Hinton


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