thank you very much Ben for sharing the inception work, which may well
open the door to a new avenue of AI research.  i am particularly
impressed by one pithy statement the authors make:

 "We must go deeper: Iterations"

i remember as an undergrad being impressed by the expressive power of
recursive functions, and later by the iterative quality of biological
growth and its fractal nature.

seeing animals in clouds is a bit like seeing geta in a go position;
so maybe one way to approach the problem of chatting with a CNN might
be to seek correlations between convolution weights and successive
stone configurations that turn up time and time again in games.

it may be that some kind of iterative procedure could do this, just as
my iterative procedure for circumscribing a group has a recursive
quality to its definition.

all you need then is to give such a correlation a name, and you will
be on the way to discovering a new language for talking about Go.

On 31/03/2016, Ben <> wrote:
> It would be very interesting to see what these go playing neural
> networks dream about [1].
> [1]
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