On 2/06/2016 0:21, David Ongaro wrote:

>> Note that the cuDNN license allows you to install and use as many
>> copies of the software as you need, for both individual and
>> corporate use.  This intentionally permissive license is designed
>> to allow cuDNN to be useful in conjunction with open-source
>> frameworks.
> So it seems nvidia got out of his way to make cuDNN useable for
> commercial purposes without imposing extra license costs.

You're better off checking the *actual license* that is included with
the current version, rather than a marketing blog, because nowhere does
it include permission to redistribute it. That would be surprising too,
since downloading it requires registering an account with Nvidia and
answering a questionnaire.

The part you're referring to makes it deployable within an organization,
but given the above it cannot be bundled with an engine.

I'd love to be proven wrong here.

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