Here is some praise I am more than happy to send Don's way: 

Prior to CGOS testing was difficult and rife with self-play induced errors. As 
soon as CGOS was available any aspiring Go programmer could test in a framework 
that gave a much better estimate of improving playing strength. From my 
perspective, CGOS was a gift to Go programmers of great importance. I sincerely 
thank you for that.

I am sorry to hear of your health problems and hope that with focus and a good 
attitude you have the computer chess success you are looking for. I do 
understand because, although I did not know it at the time, my heart problems 
signaled the end of my Go programming days.

David G Doshay

On 30, Sep 2013, at 5:28 AM, Don Dailey <> wrote:

> I appreciate the praise!
> Don
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 8:25 AM, Janzert <> wrote:
> Don,
> Thank you for all your contributions to the game programming community 
> (including Arimaa, Chess and Go in my personal experience). Best of luck with 
> Komodo, you've already made great progress with it.
> Janzert
> On 9/29/2013 8:49 AM, Don Dailey wrote:
> I've had some great fun with computer go but I'm stepping out of it now
> due to health problems and in order to focus on more important things
> if/while I still have a little time.
> Joshua Shriver is taking over CGOS duties,  and is getting a new cgos
> server up and running - and I will give him temporary support  if/when I
> can if needed,  but he is a pretty capable system administrator so it
> should go relatively smoothly.
> If I can I'll check in from time to time.   Right now I'm focusing on
> computer chess and hoping to have the strongest program in the world -
> Komodo is very close and it's a fight for the top 3.
> I had dreams of competing also for the strongest go engine but there are
> only so many hours in a day and so much energy to go around - and I am
> much more handicapped (no pun intended) in GO as my knowledge of the
> game is beginner level but in chess I'm a relatively competent
> tournament player - or at least I used to be.    So chess was a better
> fit for me.
> I'll update the archives.   We may want to store the games elsewhere as
> I don't know if Dave is willing to store this data on his server - it's
> a lot of data.
> Don
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