MacBook is great.  Get the one with the SuperDrive.  Add:

$129 for the Student/Teacher edition of Microsoft Office for the Mac.
$249 for AppleCare. Particularly for a student, you will want the 3 year parts warranty. - You can find this for around $180-190 if you shop Amazon/Froogle.

This ought to give her everything she needs to be a productive student. RAM is super easy to upgrade on these units, I would recommend at least 1 gig of RAM.


On May 3, 2007, at 1:12 PM, Robert wrote:

Daughter in college, studying stage management, decides she wants a laptop. Neither she nor dad owns one, and neither have owned a Mac. Both own desktop PCs with lots of software. Dad sends daughter his minimum recommended specifications for PC laptop, using Dell as an example.

Daughter's friends tell her that Dell and Toshiba laptops are crap, the only thing to have is a Mac because it will do multi-tasking, runs so much faster than a PC, and it is so much more reliable than PC. Based on these comments, she thinks that she should get a Mac.

Dad has no objection and no bias for either, but worries that out- of-pocket expenses will be greater for a Mac because of the necessity of purchasing all new software.
(1)  Can you comment on the pro/cons of PC versus Mac laptop?

(2) Since Dad has no knowledge of Mac, what are the specifications and models that daughter needs to shop for a Mac?

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