At 4:05 PM -0400 6/2/07, Jeff Wright wrote:
You have to marvel at the irony of someone who crows on and on about
monopolies to cry about competition in dominant media formats.

It's a different situation. As I understand it, there are applications other than Adobe's which can create PDF's. When I was using Mac OS 9, I used "PrintToPDF", for which I paid $20.00.

If MS can gain a foothold with XPS, I am sure that one way or another, they will figure out how to go from a foothold to a stranglehold. They will eventually come up with "extensions" which will not be open in any way, and then everyone will be forced to buy only their software to generate XPs's. Remember, MS has a track record for ruthless law breaking. That WILL happen.

They may even find a way to make it so that if your computer can read PDF, it will not be able to read XPS. Then by putting XPS for "free" on about 95% of all computers, and forcing many companies to distribute XPS documents only, PDF will slowly die.

Once PDF is gone, MS might require an annual license fee to use their XPS reader. Again, MS has a track record for ruthless law breaking. Put NOTHING in a category of "Oh, they wouldn't do THAT."

If it comes to a point where we need to fight the creator of the software, who would you rather fight, Adobe, or MS?

The next thing that you know, MS will want to replace ASCII text with a proprietary scheme!

PDF works. It's now universal, as it's been around for many years. There is software other than Adobe's to generate them. There is no reason to cause an upheaval, except for the greed of MS.

XPS should be stopped right now.

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