My problem with overseas support is that they seemed to be sworn on pain of
death to never pass a customer on to a supervisor or some other higher up. 
That may be incidental to being overseas.  Though companies that are support
oriented tend to want to keep their support operations close to home, and
that could be the causal chain.

----- Original Message ----
From: Michael Fernando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2007 7:17:13 AM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] iPhone vs. IT: Clash of the Culture Titans

On 7/30/07, Rev. Stewart Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Slow down one of the reasons we cannot understand them is that they
> cannot speak English well enough to handle support calls.

Jeff's comment was about the _accent_.  Had it been about the tech
support workers not being able to speak English, I wouldn't have
touched it with a ten foot pole.

You've read way too much into my exchange with Jeff so I'm leaving the
rest of your e-mail untouched (except the very end).

> Oh the capiche remark was his attempt at being cute. (your comment
> was uncalled for,

Jeff's capiche remark was directed at me.  (Perhaps, unintentionally but,)
it came across to _me_ as condescending.  Hence my comments; and I
dismissed it with an 'I don't care "whatever ..."'  IMHO, it was his
remark that was uncalled for.

> not start an ethnic war over a comment that was a reflection of poor
> hiring practices and the shipment overseas of all sorts of computer
> support jobs.

Oh, really?  Please go back and check.  His comment was about
accents and knives.  And, he said "No, I *don't* have a problem
with overseas tech support."

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