On 7/30/07, Rev. Stewart Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Slow down one of the reasons we cannot understand them is that they
> cannot speak English well enough to handle support calls.

Jeff's comment was about the _accent_.  Had it been about the tech
support workers not being able to speak English, I wouldn't have
touched it with a ten foot pole.

You've read way too much into my exchange with Jeff so I'm leaving the
rest of your e-mail untouched (except the very end).

> Oh the capiche remark was his attempt at being cute. (your comment
> was uncalled for,

Jeff's capiche remark was directed at me.  (Perhaps, unintentionally but,)
it came across to _me_ as condescending.  Hence my comments; and I
dismissed it with an 'I don't care "whatever ..."'  IMHO, it was his
remark that was uncalled for.

> not start an ethnic war over a comment that was a reflection of poor
> hiring practices and the shipment overseas of all sorts of computer
> support jobs.

Oh, really?  Please go back and check.  His comment was about
accents and knives.  And, he said "No, I *don't* have a problem
with overseas tech support."

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