As sympathetic as I
I go away on vacation and all heck breaks loose...

As sympathetic as I am to call for more respect on this list,
I think Chris has missed one important point about the  Vista upgrade issue.

It is NOT a purely technical question in terms of evaluating features and 
(including in security).  It will take years (maybe only one and a half) to 
evaluate objectively
the claims.  Also, remember that upgrading software is part of marketing 
strategies, MS is
not alone in this sin.  Companies make it hard to avoid upgrades, it is not out 
of concern
for your system's usability or reliability.

In short, the  upgrade question is 
intimately  tied to MS's credibility.  You can agree with Tom or  not,
and perhaps is  style is needlessly off-putting, but  MS "bashing"
is completely on topic. It is an opinion on whether MS marketing claims
are credible.

----- Original Message ----
From: Michael Wosnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2007 5:21:04 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] List Etiquette

I have to agree completely. As the one who started this last (XP vs Vista) 
thread, I have to say that the banter and the bashing has always been here, and 
most of the time I find it amusing (as long as the barbs are not directed at 
me!). Sometimes I find it frustrating, and sometimes I just shake my head and 
wonder how it can be that some people have such deep seated biases but more to 
the point that they have so much time on their hands as to get to that level of 
he said/she said sort of stuff on and on and on.....

All that said, I belong to several such computer lists but whenever I have a 
question, or get myself into a pickle or need some quick advice, this is ALWAYS 
the FIRST list I post to. The speed of response, the level and quality of 
information, and the sophistication and tolerance of most posters has never let 
me down.

And I thank you all very sincerely and very humbly for that, despite the fact 
that sometimes, like all of you, I have to wade through a bunch of mush to get 
it :)


rlsimon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: This list has been an ongoing source of 
informative postings that, over
several years, have never failed to be useful, insightful, and sometimes
amusing; rarely has anything been distasteful.  I, for one, am grateful for
all the trouble many have gotten me out of neatly and with tolerance of my
entry level knowledge.  For anything down-putting or off-putting, there's
always the old trusty DEL key!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Snyder, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: List Etiquette

You gotta pay to play on this list, folks.  Most of the bantering here is
fairly tame stuff with few hard core flamers.  If you can't take _that_
perhaps you want the we all think the same list.  Those who are now
complaining want to discuss windows issues without unhelpful/unfriendly
interruption.  The list is what it is, has been this way for many years, and
whining will not change it.

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-----Original Message-----
I have to concur with this in spades.  I can't recall the last post that was
a simple bash at Apple for no reason.  Or a post containing blatant
misinformation about Apple to try and make them look bad.  Some users on
this list put out a constant never ending flow of BS about MS/windows. They
don't need a reason and pull it out nowhere on topics that have nothing
to do with what the topics are about.   I have no problem with a windows
bashing thread, but does the windows bashing have to be in *every* thread?
We all know very well who hates MS here, do we need to be reminded daily?

BTW, ...

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