On Sep 8, 2007, at 1:37 AM, Eric S. Sande wrote:

Comcast is cutting off customers who use too much bandwidth. Only, they won't tell you how much is too much, nor will they tell you how to monitor
your bandwidth use.

  Comcast is not alone.

Google is now doing the same thing with their video distribution service which includes Youtube. They are not exactly using bandwidth usage as their rationale, but instead they have seemingly instituted a 20 minute time limit for a single viewing of any video. The end result is discrimination against a class of users, that being those with dial-up connections. Most dial-up users are now limited to just about 2 minutes or so of video regardless of the actual running time of said video.

Neither Google or Youtube will acknowledge this relatively new time limit implementation, yet it does exist. They do not respond to any queries along these lines. I presume they realize it could be a public relations nightmare for them to confirm its existence. Of course, Google thinks that they should be allowed to 'rule' the internet anyway because of the scope of their influence. I am not personally aware of any other internet site anywhere that imposes time limits on downloads. If Google thinks such a policy is a good thing, then I view them as being counter to all that has made the internet a fairly democratic environment in the past.


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