Nicholas Negroponte, head of the MIT Media Lab started the OLPC project

Wired Magazine had a couple of stories about this in 2005 when the project was fairly new,, photo, An updated story was also featured on CBS' 60 Minutes this year.

The design is still being developed. Features being considered: wind-up and solar power, wifi, flash memory instead of hard drive, adjustable integrated antennae; sturdy, light, portable, attractive, child-friendly design.

But is a laptop for every child necessary? Is that an effective educational tool? Overkill?


No, it's not a scam.
They are rugged, require less power, look friendly to kids (the wireless 
antennas look
like ears), have handles that make them easy to carry, and bright LCDs that are 
usable in

Desktops, while cheaper to make, wouldn't fullfill the same need. The kids need 
to bring
them to school and take them home.

-----Original Message-----

I saw an IBM x31 laptop on ebay today for $135.  What does this one do over
that?  Also, WalMart has desktops complete for that kinda money on sale.
Further, how will it get power?  If it has a wind-up or a treadmill for a
rat, it might work.  Maybe sun power or a windmill??  This sounds like a

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