>And you're going to be right there with her to teach her to use this?  Or 
>maybe kick in the extra $500 over the cost of a PC?

The price of crappy PCs has crept up as companies like Dell have found 
that they can't be profitable at their former prices. And I was not 
suggesting you get the cheapest Mac either. I was suggesting the model 
that is most likely to be successful. The iMac 20" is $1200.

Your description of the computer user did not suggest that a crappy PC 
would be acceptable. Many people do not want to turn a corner of their 
home into something resembling Dr. Frankenstein's lab. A computer that 
looks intimidating is likely to be a computer that does not get used.

The Mac OS has VNC built in. To do that with Vi$$$ta you will need to buy 
a more expensive version. That would be a waste of money.

>I would be her only "teacher", and I know absolutely nothing about a 
>Mac.  I can do the necessary updates and sort out the messes on a PC.

I don't think ignorance is an acceptable defense. What if her doctor did 
not prescribe an important new treatment because keeping up with medical 
advances was too much trouble? You have a fiduciary responsibility to 
make the best selection for her, not for you.

Instead of taking upon yourself the responsibility to "sort out the 
messes" why not get a computer that won't have the messes? You can then 
direct your efforts to the real challenge: teaching her how to use the 

>She is not an adventurous type of person.

Sounds like a Mac owner.

>Her big hangup has been that she doesn't know how to type.

Tell her that many computer users do not know how to type. We hunt and 
peck. Over time we hunt less and peck more.

>Considering all of this, I think she'd be safest with a cable connection 
behind a firewall

Depends on what is more reliable in her area. I think DSL is usually more 

>all desktop icons hidden except for a word processor, "My Documents", Firefox 
and a 
>stand-alone email icon.

What does she need a word processor for? What does she need an email 
program for? Keep it simple. Set her up with Gmail. If she must print out 
a letter she can type it in Gmail and print from there. I would have the 
computer automatically launch FireFox and make the home page Gmail. Put 
some icons at the bookmarks toolbar for the other things she needs. Keep 
it simple.

>Anything more than that, and she will throw her hands in the air and 
>be done.

Exactly my point.

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