You can't confuse her with email/browser if she's never done it.  If she
does it from the start it would be simplier, less to mess with.  It would
also save time if her computer ever goes down, all her stuff is online and
you wouldn't have to explain to her how it's all gone or how to back up.
With google docs you could put everything she needs in one place.


On 9/30/07, Sue Cubic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's what I plan to do.  Manually launch a browser with a blank page and
> teach her to use bookmarks.  And not confuse it with her email.
> With a very basic understanding of how it really works, she just might
> progress.  By setting up "magic" in the beginning, she has no hope of
> learning.  I deal with too many people like that all the time.
> Sue

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