On 10/7/07, Jeff Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Poor Jeffrey.  So used to having people obey senseless rules that he
> > can no
> > longer come up with reasonable justifications.
> >
> > I can see the people in your organization.  "Another crazy rule from
> > IT.  Oh
> > well, I guess we are used to it by now."
> I bet you pout when IT tells you "no," again.

I can see that turns you on.  "Oooh, what can we do in the name of Microsoft
to make our employees less productive?  I know, they have to use Windows,
can only run the software IT has on its approved list, and can't install
anything else."  And then you faint from the pleasure, once again.

John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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