
Thanks, actually, regarding the site, original thought was to simply start a site and not put it on the web, but first show it to her, as an incomplete draft, just to giver her an idea of how it might have various benefits. I have been doing a lot of thinking about how websites and the internet in general could be useful for all sorts of things and recently was offered some contracting work with a state grant based on all the ideas I presented at a meeting I was invited to attend on this. So this is sort of in keeping with this recent thinking.

This wouldn't exactly be alike a typical "fan" site if I did it, since the main purpose would be to disseminate information, resources, ideas, possibilities and hope, related to mental health problems. I see it as a complement to something like going on Oprah (twice in about 6 days) to do essentially the same thing. I guess this is why even Oprah herself has a site and magazine, etc., to complement her show.


----- Original Message ----- From: "John DeCarlo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2007 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Grabbing domain names of well-known persons?

On 10/7/07, Jeff Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ye-e-e-es, Thomas, hence if *she* wanted it by now, *she* would have done
it.  Maybe she's doing it as we speak, so it can be done right.  I don't
think I'd want someone I didn't know doing that on my behalf, without my

Poor Jeffrey. So used to having people obey senseless rules that he can no
longer come up with reasonable justifications.

I can see the people in your organization. "Another crazy rule from IT. Oh
well, I guess we are used to it by now."

Clearly, no one famous or about to be famous would recommend someone unknown
do something for him/her.

OTOH, looking at what Randy is proposing, he is clearly doing the right
thing by any reasonable person's standards.

There are dozens (that I have heard of) of well-run fan sites that the
famous person endorses.  There are also many where the fan set up the site
and gave it to the famous person later when asked.  There are a handful
where there was some sort of legal fight.  Somehow, given the evidence, I
suspect that Randy is not the one to start such a thing.

John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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