> I can see that turns you on.

Kinky, John.  I didn't know you walked that way.  I'd ask you the same, but
that's TMI.

>  "Oooh, what can we do in the name of
> Microsoft
> to make our employees less productive?  I know, they have to use
> Windows,
> can only run the software IT has on its approved list, and can't
> install
> anything else."  And then you faint from the pleasure, once again.

When my network continues to run boringly on and on, reliable as the sun
coming up, and the staff has the business tools to get their jobs done, it
does warm the cockles of my heart.  When my boss sees this and rewards me
accordingly, I might even get giddy.

When I see OS partisans like you and Tom tortured from seeing people being
productive and profitable day after day using Microsoft products, THAT makes
me faint from pleasure.

Cue Yosemite Sam.

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