You should be using NIS ( or something 
similar to manage user security (I am familiar with NIS but this article 
suggests there may be more appropriate solutions for a all-Apple network).  
Users should be authenticating to a nameserver and should be able to log onto 
any machine on the network.  Local user ids should exist as a fallback for when 
the network is unavailable, but I can see no reason why an application such as 
you describe (what exactly is it?) would use local ids.

On 10/11/07, John DeCarlo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Oh yes, the much vaunted Mac ease of use.  2 examples from this past week:
>> 1 - I wanted to change the short name of the root admin, so that all of my
>> Macs had the same one.  The consultant I used to deploy these used several
>> different short (and long) names, bless them.  I wanted to change it as I
>> have an application that scans the network and creates an up-to-date
>> hardware inventory, which it does effortlessly for my PCs.
>> *40* steps to do this.  40.  If you don't make things worse doing it.
>I can't even figure out what you are talking about.  You can certainly have
>more than one user with the privileges you need.  You shouldn't be using
>root to do the hardware inventory - that is a security violation.  You
>should be creating a user just for this purpose with just the privileges
>needed.  I can see you actually logging in as Administrator on hundreds of
>Windows machines - all with the same password.  Yow!  That is scary.

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