I don't know about obsessive, but I recently returned from a trip to Spain and 
had my belief reinforced in the fact that the security procedures in Madrid are 
better than ours.

The difference, to my mind, is that they always have security people who 
interview each departing person, then even in the line to board the plane, they 
check back.  They have been doing this sort of thing for many years, it's 
nothing new.  This is in addition to the usual technology we have.  Yes, they 
require you to remove your shoes, but they do offer plastic booties to wear 
while your shoes are off.

What makes the difference to me is the addition of a human element to the 
overall process.  Our security seems to me to depend too heavily on technology.

Having said this, I have to add that I'm tired of hearing complaints about TSA 
from people who fancy themselves libertarian.  As far as I can tell, the TSA 
people are doing the job they've been given to do, and anyway they don't make 
the policies.  Intrusive security is far better than none.

On 2/9/08 2:28, "Eric S. Sande" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Got it.  Not to be too paranoid than usual, on my last trip TO
> the USA from France, the French were more obsessive about
> security than their counterparts in the USA.

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