Border/ travel security is the least of it. The best technical talents from all over the world are looking less and less to the US for jobs because of the disadvantageous work visa and naturalization situation in the US. I have an extremely well educated, and talented Indian friend who has been working for Amazon in the US for 4 years. After bucking the US naturalization process for 4 years, he has decided, like many of his friends that he is going to emigrate to Canada, get a job there and quit amazon because he can become a citizen there in 1 - 1/2 years (with his skills but even WITHOUT a job) where in the US he it is probably he will have to wait for 7 years. Presently, every 3 years during his work visa renewal process he can't leave the US for travel purposes for 6 months and if he lost his Amazon job he would have to leave the US in 7 days (this varies from state to state) making it very difficult to change jobs unless he can make it seamless and making his life in general no more than a transient one. Because of this situation, he hasn't bought a house here although he can well afford one...

He well paid but treated like a indentured servant. And now that he can get paid equally well elsewhere he and many like him are leaving the US.


I'm sorry, my post was a direct response to the previous comment regarding 
airport security in France.  I don't recall the original post.  I can't recall 
having personally had any problems with Customs.  I think they mostly harass 
foreigners.  However it distresses me that there are people who are discouraged 
from travelling to the US because of horror stories they've heard regarding US 
customs, despite the favorable exchange rate.

On 2/9/08 19:35, "David Chessler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Read it again. It's not the TSA. It's customs, and it's not clear what threat they're defending against: pornography, or perhaps you have some drugs in your hard drive.

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