Couple of points. Yes, there are some podcasts which only keep a few recent episodes available at any point in time. Case in point, my favorite, Car Talk, in the iTunes Store shows only the two previous weeks show. So you can't go back and get earlier ones. Once you subscribe, you get the weekly shows and can keep them on your PC, and/or, as in my case, sync them to the iPod.

Also, I have found a number of sites which allow you to play their mp3 "podcasts" only through WMP or RealPlayer, not download the mp3 files. This should not be called a podcast, as you can't get the file. What you can do, is to play these "podcasts" real time and capture them in mp3 on your machine using something like Audacity or Total Recorder. This was the method I used to use before Car Talk became available as a podcast.

Paula Minor wrote:
From what I can tell one can only get a few recent programs from iTunes and that iPods only work (well?) using iTunes. QUESTION 1: Is that true? QUESTION 2: Are there any combinations of software and hardware that one can use to put old ARCHIVED programs on a PDP?

I pretty much only use my iPod for podcasts and I've gotten them from many sources. However, I believe you have to transfer them to the iPod via iTunes. Even when I was Windows only I used iTunes to make the transfer. I've never tried using any other method. I know you can see your iPOd as an external disk in My Computer when it's attached so you could theoretically drag the podcast over to that 'drive' but I don't know how you would find it to play it. iTunes is free and works with Windows so that would be the most trouble free way to go. As to archived podcasts, if you can download them to your computer you then, in iTunes, go to File-Add to Library and in the window that opens choose the location of the file. You can choose multiple files by holding down the...ooops,it's Command on a Mac...forget what it is on Windows....maybe Shift) Anyway, they'll be placed in your iTunes library where you can then transfer them to the iPod.
Enjoy!  I LOVE podcasts!

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!" Have a wonderful day!

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