If you mount the iPod as a disk the directories used by iTunes are 
hidden. However there are several third-party programs that will give you 
access to them. In fact, if you access the volume using FTP you can see 
these directories too.

>I pretty much only use my iPod for podcasts and I've gotten them from  
>many sources.  However, I believe you have to transfer them to the  
>iPod via iTunes.  Even when I was Windows only I used iTunes to make  
>the transfer. I've never tried using any other method.  I know you  
>can see your iPOd as an external disk in My Computer when it's  
>attached so you could theoretically drag the podcast over to that  
>'drive' but I don't know how you would find it to play it.  iTunes is  
>free and works with Windows so that would be the most trouble free  
>way to go.

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