Why, yes it does. The Bush fascists here would have thought of it
first, but I guess it must be assumed they're already doing it, so
they don't care.

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 1:24 PM, mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/03/06/2182021.htm
>  From the article:
>  The proposed laws would allow police to search computers networked to those
>  listed on a search warrant.   Police could also seize computer hard drives
>  and memory sticks for up to seven days.   Police Minister David Campbell
>  says police are currently only able to search computer hardware found on a
>  premises named in a search warrant.
>  From that snippet it not only sounds as if they can search computers on
>  local networks, as in, in the same office space for example but also any
>  computers networked anywhere.  Doesn't this mean if they get one warrant for
>  a computer connected to the net, any computer in the entire country on the
>  net is subject?

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