So you are angry that they are using what they are paying for?  Be angry at
the right person, your cable provider.  If you want to be angry at them for
pirating that's fine too, but for just using their connnection I'm not sure
I could care.

How fast are you paying for?  How fast are you getting?  I pay for 1.5 and
get 1 constantly and that's on DSL.  I'd not assume you'd be better off
without cable.

Also point of fact, if they were using BT to download things I doubt it
would be just at certain times of day, BT is meant to be run all the time.
I'm curious how you 'identified the problem' ?


On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 10:42 AM, db <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In my case,  there isn't always enough pie to go around.
> In the last 6 months,  my cablemodem connection that I have had for
> years, now gets drug down at certain times of day or night to pokey
> speeds by a bunch of local 20 somethings who live nearby and who
> download a lot of pirated movies.  We've identified the problem but
> there is nothing we can do about it but pay more to switch ourselves to
> DSL and abandon cablemodem to them I guess.
> At first, I was outraged when I read Comcast was trickily disrupting the
> bit torrent movie downloading streams  ... now, that I have been
> affected by the movie downloaders I cheer them on.
> Not only are the bit torrent movie downloaders pirating and defrauding
> artists/ the moviemakers etc. but they, while being relatively few  in
> numbers, are hogging the majority of our shared bandwidth to do so and
> depriving the many of us of the small amount of bandwidth we use, pay
> for and depend on to do business and other legitimate personal uses.
> grrrr...

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