In this case what is needed is a monopoly with standards set nationally not locally.

Also what will be needed is subsidy tog et it out to the areas where it cannot get to right now.

One of the biggest problems any commercial enterprise will run into is the myriad of regulations they have to face. (See Supreme Court decision re: New Yorks Passenger rights)

If there was one standard set high enough for everyone to reach, and the means given by where they can provide that standard it would be great.

Many of the European enterprise started off as government run and owned enterprises. They were at one time subsidized by the government but had to meet only one standard. Why do you think British Airways, Air France, and Lufthansa are always rated as one of the better airlines? They are all subsidized by the government and have to meet their standard plus international (Which their government meets or exceeds already)

It has only been within the last few years that more than one telephone company existed in many of these counties. Only after they set up the infrastructure and set the standards.

And by the way I am not saying that is bad.  I think in many ways it is good.

I think one of the problems here in America we have is way too much independent sprit that gets in the way of cooperation and innovation. Why is our educational system in such a disarray. You can blame no child left behind, but it goes deeper than that. (As someone who has moved between states) Each state has its own standards. When we moved from Wisconsin to Tennessee, they would not let my kids attend school until I had gone to the local Health department and had my kids shot records transferred over to the state standard form. Luckily my children were just beginning High School or they would have had to go an extra year, as the course structure and standards for graduation were different. When we moved to Alabama the same thing again. Only this time my one son had to double up on a few courses as he had not taken courses required for graduation in Alabama but not required in Tennessee.

Phone companies have to meet 50 different standards to do business in each state.

Cable companies have to meet thousands of standards to do business in each municipality. (it is even worse as the local kickbacks that have to be paid - not illegal they are called franchise fees)

So I am all for setting of national standards to be met by all the companies offering Internet service. Set them and help those locals that are removed or far off meet them.

(In Canada and even in the US, some communities are offering tax incentives for Doctors to locate in their area. Even giving them free rent etc. to serve their area.)


At 08:54 AM 3/28/2008, you wrote:
Would that it were so easy.

I have cable.  My choice is that, or dial-up or satellite download
dial-up upload.  I am too far out in the country for DSL to happen any
time soon.

What we need is more competition (no more assigned monopolies), not
more regulation.

I don't think I have a right to a fast net connection.  I am willing
to pay for one, but currently no one has an incentive to sell me one.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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