Yes, if you want to assume that there is no charity in the US. No religious hospitals that will care for the uninsured, no children's hospitals providing endowment / other sourced care.

The issue is should the power of government compulsion be used to pay for care, which WILL result in government deciding what care is provided, or should the private sector, including private charity provide care based on what is wanted and needed.


On Mar 27, 2008, at 9:04 PM, katan wrote:
On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 16:28:14 -0400, Matthew Taylor wrote:

To be rationed requires that there be a shortage of supply. There is
no shortage of supply for those able to pay - if you can afford the
procedure you will get the procedure in the US (organ donations being

And those that can't afford it can just go away and die. Yes?


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