> That delivers care of sufficient quality (to those who can pay) that 
> folks come here to get what they can not get from their national  
> systems.  Did you read the recent study about how many women in labor
> had to be turned away from British maternity wards for lack of beds?
> > high energy prices,
Funny thing is, all the other rich countries have national systems and
it is hard to make an intellectually honest case that the US
is unambiguously better. General health statistics and outcomes
are not better in the US as a whole. The US doesn't even have
more high-tech diagnostic equipment (Japan does).  It is easy
to pick on Britain for it long lines or other aspects of rationing,
it is easy because it has always been one of the least under-funded
national health systems (and that has been true under Labor let alone
Thatcher).  Brits also go to national healt services on the Continent
when they can't get what they want in Britain (and it get paid for).

Unfortunately, all health care systems ration, we do it by ability
to pay.

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