Every nation rations health care, by some criteria. In Canada everyone has the same health insurance. The rationing comes in with Hospital care/procedures. Their hospitals are flat funded. Which means if it is funded for 400 CT scans a year that is all it performs. The Doctors then have to figure out which of the 800 patients they want to have a CT scan will get it. The most critical, or the everyday? The elderly or the young et. etc..

Here in the states it comes down to $$$$$$ it is a proven statistic that the ones with the better health plans which usually involve more money have better health care. They can have more tests run etc. etc. Do not get sick in America without health insurance. The medical/health care industry is one (Not the only) of the leading reasons for Bankruptcies. (MSN had an interesting article that if you discounted or removed health care filings from peoples credit reports, they had much better scores)

Many countries have chosen models similar to Canada (which is socialized health insurance, not medical care.)


At 09:43 AM 3/28/2008, you wrote:
In your scenario, people are either middle-class (high, medium, or
low) or charity cases.  The truth is a large portion of the U.S. is
poor: due to age, education, unemployment, immigration status,
whatever.  Some of these people work, own cars, and some even own
their own homes.  Out of to pride, habit, or ignorance, they choose
not to present themselves for charity - they skimp and do without,
instead.  Those with health problems, eventually become a statistic.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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