Thanks for the link. I followed it up. It is a stingy program. The plan will reduce the monthly bill by "up to" $13.30. I expect that "up to" means the real reduction will be significantly less. To qualify you have to be very poor. The least expensive service I could find was about $50/month. So the net result would be a plan reduced to about $40/month. But someone poor enough to qualify would hardly be in a position to spend $40/month on telephone service. They will need the money to pay for food.

Tom, in DC "Economy 1" service costs $6.00 a month.  No bells and
whistles and you pay 6 cents a call.  Local calling only.  With taxes and
surcharges that's no more than $12.00 a month.

With the Lifeline option, if you qualify, it's $3.00 a month.  Yes it's for
low income people.  But it's not something Verizon "cooked up".  If
anything, the government "cooked it up".

Every US telco is subject to regulation.  We all answer to the FCC and
state regulators.  If it was up to me, I'd sell gold plated superdeluxe
phone service to everyone.  After all, I'm an evil greedy capitalist.

The reality is somewhat different.

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