Yes, what's that one advertised all the time? It has big buttons and is only a cell phone without all the gimmicks like camera and web access, etc. And they advertise it has plans as low as $9.95/mo. It's called the skipper, or some stupid name like that. I'll have to wait for the commercial again to give you the exact name.

Jeff M

On Apr 15, 2008, at 3:09 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

Tom, in DC "Economy 1" service costs $6.00 a month.  No bells and
whistles and you pay 6 cents a call. Local calling only. With taxes and
surcharges that's no more than $12.00 a month.

Thanks Eric. My Mom is in New York and we have spent many hours talking
to Verizon/MCI trying to get her a service plan that is appropriate to
her needs. The best we could find was MCI's "Neighborhood Talk" plan for $25 plus $17 in "taxes and surcharges" for a total of $42 a month just to
have a phone in the house for emergencies and us calling her.

I could get her a pay-go cell phone for a lot less than that, but a cell phone takes too much care to maintain and is too tiny for an old lady to use. I also don't want to change her phone number at this late stage of

Has anyone ever seen a large cell phone?

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