No. Don't replace the 6010.

It's the best basic phone you'll find. It's almost indestructible--except when you drop it into a Big Gulp like Cavan did. It has very good reception, is very reliable. The only thing missing is speaker-phone feature, but the headphone is also very good.

The only reason I replaced my 6010 is that I needed an international phone, and Cavan needed to replace his fizzy wet phone. Mine is tri-band Nokia 3220, and I really should have a quad-band. I don't see any quad-band candy bar phones in the US I like that are reasonably priced, so I'll wait until I can get a small quad/wifi candy bar phone for around $200. I've decided to buy a rock-bottom basic phone in Europe. The Nokia 1100 costs around 10 euro, and I can get a free SIM with cheap international rates from United Mobile.


Correction: Last year I bought a $50 card that was good for a year and rolled over my unused minutes. So the current year cost me just $50.

I will probably renew with a $100 card since my annual usage seems to be about 700 minutes.

So shoudl I replace my Nokia 6010 candy-bar with something better? I looked at some newer phones with color screens and the screens lacked contrast so were harder to read. They also wanted to sell me ringtones while my 6010 came with a nice assortment of sound effects that work just fine. Short of getting an iPhone, is a "better" phone worth the freight?

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