On May 25, 2008, at 11:08 PM, Tony B wrote:

Point taken. But really, when one has to prepare an answer based on
virtually NO information, it's tough to be real 'polite'. The
re-phrasing you wrote is only with benefit of the list having dragged
_some few_ details out of the OP.

Others here have said that my query was sufficiently to the point, and they had no problems understanding what I was asking.

In fact, at this point we all know he's probably going about it the
wrong way, but everyone's being too polite to actually tell him that.
Or maybe just turned off by his attitude. He asked for it.

I was going about it entirely correctly. The format for the media was dictated by some of the devices that would be required to read the media. The number of images was as dictated by those who are to be the recipients of the CDs. I was just doing my job.

What attitude? No one here but yourself stated that I was going about the project the wrong way, but that was not out of politeness, even though most here are polite. They obviously understood that since DVD players require the format I was using in order to display jpeg images, a point that I initially made, they realized that I was stuck with what I had to deal with. Tom specifically said that he had run into similar situations himself and had to find ways to work around the limitations imposed by the format.

  Anyway, I have no need to defend myself, so I'm out.


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