Hmm, why am I made nervous in Rev Marshall's response?

Great photographers in history have often been
well-heeled amateurs (as was Cartier-Bresson himself,
initially). When asked to judge camera club images,
I'm constantly impressed with some results I see. 
Likewise, lots of pros make utterly pedestrian,
discardable images, to fulfill a requirement (think,
catalogs, for example).  Without opening the can of
worms as to what constitutes a "good" or "great"
photo, I'd say simply that achievement of that is not
the province any one sector of photographers. 
Children who take up a camera yesterday sometimes get
there by accident (or by native ability), shooters who
have been at it for decades sometimes not, ever.

After mastering the tech, your conception is what
makes the shot you need, and lighting is the manner in
which you get there.  Everything else is wrenches,
cuds on which the specifications cows chew.  You never
know whence "The Picture" comes.



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