Well, Netaxs is lying, either through ignorance or intentionally.  They are
indeed using a realtime blackhole list, www.uceprtotect.net, and blocking
mail from Verizon mail servers.  The UCEprotect methodology is here:

Level 1, which your Verizon servers are listed under, is here:

To be fair though, "they" aren't seeing it, but their mail servers are,
which query the RBL/SLS database.   But this is the problem with ISP
filtering:  they don't give you any mechanism for false positives, which
remain a problem with spam filtering.  No matter how good your system is,
you will always have FPs.

I've said it before: email is no longer a reliable form of communication.
It's broken; don't depend on it.

> -----Original Message-----
> Here is something interesting that has been happening with good ol'
> Netaxs, now a part of PAETEC.
> Frequently I stop getting any kind of mail at this addie for, say 12
> hours. I get the techs on the phone and they express varying degress of
> astonishment. Yes, this has happened pretty often recently. How do I
> know
> I'm not only not getting mail, but also just plain losing it? I send
> tests
> from my VZ account.
> Many of them never show up, others get returned with this fascinating
> message:
> Your message cannot be delivered to the following recipients:
>   Recipient address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Reason: Remote SMTP server has rejected address
>   Diagnostic code: smtp;553 IP is UCEPROTECT-Level 1
> listed.
>  See http://www.uceprotect.net/rblcheck.php?ipr=
>   Remote system: dns;mail.netaxs.com
> (TCP||47535||25) (rblsmtpd.local)
> Reporting-MTA: dns;vms173001.mailsrvcs.net (tcp-daemon)
> ********
> Netaxs swears they have nothing to do with UCE et al. So how are they
> getting to see -and turn away!- my email?

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