> -----Original Message-----
> Thought I received message at end of May that AVG free was ending as of
> June
> 1 and needed to upgrade to presumably paid version.  Was away and
> didn't do
> anything, but still seems to be running as far as I can tell.  Anyone
> else
> heard about this?

This is a common misconception based on AVG trying to (understandably) drive
people to their paid version.  You can still d/l and use the new, free
version at the same website as ever:  free.grisosft.com

> After reading this thread, wondering if AVG might be what is slowing
> down my
> browsing, mainly on FireFox, but probably also some on IE?

I haven't noticed anything like that.  The new version inserts security
"ratings" after every Google search result, but it's as quick as ever.

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