At 09:50 AM 6/27/2008, you wrote:
>I haven't been paying attention, but I think it's a bit of a leap to
>say that FIOS is inferior to cable (if anyone has?). Cable seems
>capable of faster speeds, but will they offer those better speeds at
>better prices is the question.
maybe faster internet in the max package, but for the middle home user, either 
is plenty fast.  i don't need more than 10 meg down and 1 meg up.

it appears to me that the fios end result signal for video(TV) is noticeably 
better(my personal observation.

when comcast thinks they can get away with it, the image is about 256 x 
200(look at Music Choice images), while fios is still 1028p.  the sound quality 
also sucks.

a number of the programs that were 5 channel audio on Comcast do not seem to be 
5 channel any more.  they still are 5 channel on fios. 

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