I was looking at the corporate world and not the non-profit world.  I'm
on the board for a local non-profit that helped about 65,000 kids last
year and unfortunately, the non-profit world is in an entirely different

Budgets are much, much tighter so price does become a deciding factor.
Also, as Stewart pointed out, quite a few of the apps we run are
designed for Windows. 

Many corporations will donate their systems as they're being replaced.
Some donate directly to the non-profit and others send their donations
to various groups that attempt to refurbish the PCs.  Corporations are
getting wiser and nicer.  Several years ago, many would strip the PCs
before donating them so quite often a donated PC would look nice on the
outside but when you took the cover off, you got a case, power supply,
one or two sticks of memory (if you were lucky) and a 1 or 2-generation
old processor.  

Stewart - have you ever heard of TechSoup - www.techsoup.org?  They
offer significant hardware and software discounts to non-profits.


-----Original Message-----
From: Computer Guys Discussion List
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rev. Stewart
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Where's my computer?

It depends on the industry/business you are involved in.

In the religious/Non profit world you are usually confined to 
donated/refurbished equipment.  I know many pastors who have either 
bought their own laptops (like me) or have larger churches where 
business exec's donate used laptops from their companies to the staff.

Plus what software are they running?  Again in my business most of 
the software is written for Windows not OSX.  Our publishing house 
recently put out software for the design and publishing of ready made 
service bulletins for worship.  Program is only written and published 
for Windows computers, even though the head guy in charge of this a Mac

Go figure.


At 11:51 AM 7/11/2008, you wrote:
>Without actually looking at raw data, there's no way to prove or
>disprove either point.  Macs are becoming more prevalent these days but
>it's hard to determine just how many are being purchased by

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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