We're working with an FTP site, where we're uploading files for a company we're 
working with.  We're on WinXP.  I use Firefox, & have no problem connecting to 
the site, or downloading files to check on their accessibility.  One of my 
coworkers is using Internet Explorer 7, & has problems viewing the files.  I 
used to be able to right-click on a file in IE, & I'd have an option of saving 
the link (i.e. the file) to my computer (this was also available through either 
Ctrl-click or Alt-click-can't remember which).  Now, in IE 7, I have the option 
of "Save Target as...", & when I try that, the file starts to download, then 
stops, telling me that the login was unsuccessful (I have to log in to the FTP 
site with a username & password, & have no problem with that).  I then tried to 
install Firefox on her computer, which looked successful.  But, when opening 
Firefox, it can't connect.  So here are a couple of questions:

1)  How can I download the files from the FTP site in IE like I do in Firefox?
2)  Why can't I get Firefox to work on her computer, when it works fine on mine 
(she has Administrator status on her computer, & I had her do the Firefox 



David Turk

Manager, Preservation Imaging Services

Indiana Historical Society
Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center

450 W. Ohio St.

Indianapolis, IN  46202

(317) 232-4592


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