I use a free version of AceFTP for uploading the files.  My co-worker would 
like to be able to view the image files I've uploaded to the FTP site, & since 
I don't have any problems working with Firefox for downloading & viewing the 
files, I thought that might be a simple solution for her.  I didn't want to add 
a different type of program like a standalone FTP program; she's comfortable 
with web browsers, so I  was hoping I could stick with that.  But thanks for 
the suggestion.


David Turk
Manager, Preservation Imaging Services
Indiana Historical Society
Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center
450 W. Ohio St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202
(317) 232-4592

-----Original Message-----
From: Computer Guys Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Chris Dunford
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Firefix/IE file saving

> 1)  How can I download the files from the FTP site in IE like I do in
> Firefox?
> 2)  Why can't I get Firefox to work on her computer, when it works fine
> on mine (she has Administrator status on her computer, & I had her do
> the Firefox installation).

I can't answer you specifically because I don't use a browser for FTP, which
leads to a suggestion:

My experience has been that, in general, browsers are terrible FTP clients.
Have you considered using a standalone FTP client? There are many. FileZilla
is open source, free, and solid. You will need to spend a couple of minutes
setting up the connection (specifying the URL and login information), but
after that there's nothing to it.

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